Cotton Candy was actually one of my first G1 ponies ever. I found her
at a local toy consignment shop alongside Baby Moondancer, Powder, and Baby Milkweed. I know she's pretty common and I'm sure, even with me being 30 years late to the game, a lot of other
folk have her as their first pony as well!
She's a pretty classic pony. Pink and pink. She also has a lot of interesting variations in release. Aside from the FF version (which I don't have yet), I also have a version of her that's a much different pink shade than my original one.
(My original one on the right)
She's more reminiscent of G3 Pinkie Pie, who has a lighter mane than her dark pink body (originally, to come about core 7 evolution), and her symbol is rather different from my original one, as well. I have tried to poke around and figure out if there's a way to discern between the original release, the mail order version...but there's no way to know for sure aside from being the original owner or having them MIP. You can see the differences in symbols below. I don't tend to keep army ponies and will often upgrade as I collect from other sources, but these were different enough to justify keeping at the same time.
(Original on the left. On the right, super panky Cotton Canky)
Snuzzle's interesting because, well. She's certainly the only gray G1 pony. I think the gray and pink are a really cute combination. She used to be my favorite of the set probably due to her body color, which really helps her stand out.
It's great that she stands out especially because she's otherwise a color-swap of Peachy, who she shares a symbol and hair color with.
Not much to say about her... I'm not familiar with any weirdness, aside from something that the My Little Pony Scrapbook mentions about there existing a playset which features Snuzzle instead of Peachy, but this seems to just be in the UK.